Now look, I’m in a little bit of a hurry, so I’ll make this brief – well, I say I’ll make it brief, but what I mean is that this will be exactly the same length as usual, but it will seem more rushed due to the lack of effort and also the constant use of the em-dash and filler words.

When is Now, Then?

By Leo Amadeus, 19/08/2024

  Not to say that I won’t put in any effort at all – that would be reckless and irresponsible for everyone involved, which, come to think of it, is really just me and so therefore would not really be that reckless or irresponsible because I would be the only one affected, and not even negatively at that.


  The reason I am in such a rush is because I have a very busy week this week due to being in an operetta – a job which I have thoroughly enjoyed – and usually I would do other things in the evenings during the week, but because they are now taken up with various tech and dress rehearsals, I am doing all the stuff that I would usually be doing then now. Hopefully my use of two temporal propositions directly next to one another isn’t confusing. If it is, develop your reading comprehension skills. That’s all I can say.


  Brash and rude comments aside, I find this happens quite often. I busy myself with so many things that consequently I have no time to do other things and continuously end up doing things that I would usually do then then. Which, at that time would be then now, but because I am telling this from a point further in the past (which in the future would be described as then, also) it is clearer to refer to then as then then rather than then now.


  But if, as I just mentioned, I were to refer to this current moment, now’s now, then the moment I write another blog post referring to this moment, I would be talking about writing the phrase then then then, referring to now. Because then then then was now and now then then is also now but from a different perspective.


  But then then then was now because then then then had a different meaning, but now then then is not then but rather now. Because now is always now unless you are then, then now would then be then. Clear?

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