I have tried to start writing this blog post about eight different times and I’m very embarrassed. Usually ideas will come to me much easier than this – but here I am, pulling out all my hair. At this rate, I’ll be bald in two weeks.

That's Good Enough for Me

By Leo Amadeus, 27/04/24

  So, what I’ve decided to do is write about some cookies that I ate this week. I bought this pack of triple choc-chip cookies yesterday for just over four dollars. In the pack were about thirty cookies. I would say that’s a very respectable amount of cookies, valuing about fifteen cents per cookie. After sixty minutes, I had eaten ten of the cookies and was very upset because I had forgotten to bring my water bottle.


  I find that whenever I eat chocolate I become very thirsty. Now, I hate being thirsty. To counter the feeling of thirstiness, I drink a plenitude of water. I am aware that you don’t have to drink eight cups of water a day, but rather take in that much moisture – which includes the food you eat and the air you breathe. I think I would probably drink the equivalent of two and half or three litres of water each day.


  Anyway, I saved the rest of the cookies, forcing myself to close the box, because I was attending a board game event and this was my snack of choice to bring along. After the event was over, another ten of the cookies had been consumed, five of them consumed by me.


  After scrambling for a topic for this blog post, I got out the box of cookies because I wanted to write about them. Since starting my writing, I have eaten another five of them. I would say that five remain, but I did just eat another one, so four are left.


  I have a horrendous sweet tooth. The other thirty-one don’t taste as nice.


  Jokes aside (ha, just kidding. That never happens with me) I do have an unhealthy sugar addiction. For a while I was addicted to Oreos – I was going through a tough time one day and had the bright idea to buy a pack and eat them all. This caused a massive rupture in my bank account as I bought a pack of Oreos almost every day for the next six months.


  Now only two cookies remain in the pack. The future looks…very chocolatey.

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