Once more I find myself confounded on what to write about this week. Will I ever get tired of this cliché of starting posts with meta-commentary about my indecisiveness and uncertainty that I suffer whenever I write? Probably not.

A Dollar a Minute

By Leo Amadeus, 22/07/2024

  I’ve also noticed that sometimes the intro that you see whenever I write a blog post is often vastly different from the actual content. The preview of about thirty-five words will often not reflect the true value of my musings. Why? I suppose my brain likes to go for a little wander. It sprouts little legs and goes for a jog around the block, ending in a different destination than in which it started.



  I’ve been very busy in the past week rehearsing for and thinking about my album launch. I’ve fully accepted that the recordings and tracks aren’t as good as I wished them to be and that the true value of the pieces is in the actual composition and portfolio-building, not in the quality of the final product. Whatever.



  I’m forever jealous of people who can work hard to make things perfect, specifically artworks. I can certainly do my best, but I suffer from something that I’m going to call “pie syndrome,” not to be confused with PIE, pulmonary, interstitial emphysema. No, pie syndrome is the embodiment of “jack of all trades, master of none.” I like to, in the arts world, stick as many fingers into as many pies as I can. I want to be the best writer in a room full of actors and the best actor in a room full of writers. I think I’m a pretty good lyricist though. I might be the best lyricist in a room full of lyricists.



  Ego aside, the point is that I have very quickly steered off-track from the original topic of this post, which was meta-commentary. The issue is, when I am doing blog-writing, there is only really one topic of meta-commentary, and that is the fact that I am writing a blog post. And I’m pretty sure I already did that with the first post I ever did.



  Another thing that I find interesting which is partially related is the cliché cliché. This occurs when a cliché has been pointed out as being a cliché so many times that the actual pointing out of the cliché becomes the cliché. This might be something for another post.

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