It’s dark and it’s a little bit cold. I am sitting staring at the blaring white computer screen just writing exactly what is happening around me. The clacking of the mechanical keyboard and the quiet whirr of the computer is all I can hear.

i guess this is poetry

By Leo Amadeus, 23/06/24

  I’ve got other, more important things to do, yet because of my stubborn determination to get a blog post out every week (or thereabouts), here I am typing what remains of my soul into a Word document. Except, it’s not a Word document, because I am poor and cannot afford a Microsoft Office subscription. I’m using LibreOffice. The shame of not being able to afford name brand products hangs over my head as I type into a program that looks like it belongs in 2008.

  The whoosh of the central heating in my house blows past my ears. I feel the slight breeze (or rather, the opposite of a breeze, as breezes are usually registered as cold air) brush past my face. I ponder over that fact, and realise that sometimes people do say “warm breeze.” I consider deleting what I just typed and replacing the whole ordeal about breezes with simply the words “warm breeze.” I decide against it.

  I think this has become too meta for my liking. Oh, well. It’s 9:53PM and if I stop and think about what I’m writing then I won’t get it done by 10:00. I’ve got work to do for one of my jobs. I sit in silence for a few moments as I get distracted checking my e-mails. I frown in disappointment as I learn that one of my new music jobs has a lower pay-rate than I expected. I feign hyper-enthusiasm in my response in order to generate good rapport with the boss.

  My eyes are starting to glaze over. I can’t fall asleep yet. It’s now 10:05PM and a sigh as I realise how long I spent reading and re-reading that blasted e-mail, pondering whether the job is even worth taking for half as much money as I thought I would be getting.

  Oh, well. It is what it is. I scrunch my eyes up (an expression which looks weirder than it actually is) in an attempt to keep myself awake. I can’t write any words with the last letter of the alphabet in it or else I might fall asleep. It’s really quite amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

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