The question that haunts all bloggers who don’t have a theme-specific blog is “What shall I blog about today?”. Well, that’s an assumption that I’m making. I don’t know anyone who has a theme-specific blog. Or a blog.

No, I'm Not an Earwig

By Leo Amadeus, 14/04/2024

  So today I’m going to blog about sunshine. I looked out of my window and that was the first thing I saw, so that’s what I’ve chosen. My eyes hurt.


  I like sunshine. In fact, I love it – despite what my pale face, lack of tan-lines and very indoor lifestyle may seem to imply. I like nice, slightly warm sunshine on a cool day. It has to be the right temperature, though – or else I get sweaty and uncomfortable or I get sunburnt and uncomfortable.


  However, I have always been one to prefer cold weather. I find more joy in rugging up and wearing jumpers and gloves and beanies and scarves than in wearing shorts and putting the horrid texture of sunscreen all over my hands, face, legs, neck and ears.


  A couple things spring to mind after writing that. The first is that since primary school, I’ve only worn shorts once – and that was for the costume of Sonny Malone in my high-school production of Xanadu Jr. Since then I have never donned a pair of shorts. Not even once.


  The second is that I used to think that sunscreen was called “sunscream” – presumably I had heard “sunscreen” and “suncream” and filled in the blanks myself.


  My hearing has never been the best. I don’t think I have any hearing loss or anything like that. I thought I did for a while but that was because everyone I knew spoke so quietly – then I started going to acting school and boy my whole world was turned upside down. But it’s in the actual picking up of consonant sounds that I have difficulty with, especially when there is background noise.


  When I was little my dad used to ask “Are you an earwig?” because if you say it fast enough it vaguely sounds like “Can you hear me?”. Most of the time I didn’t get caught in the trap, but there are a couple of slightly embarrassing memories of me answering in the affirmative.


  I never got the name of things completely wrong – only ever slightly wrong. Like pronouncing “asphalt” as “ashphalt.” I’ve always been a visual learner. I’m a good reader.

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